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Hello Everybody.

I am tired with a horrible level of journalism in Poland. So, I would like to start my blog. I am not going to deliver an incredible bunch of information. Just to provide something that is omitted in so called portals for idiots.

What can you expect?

  • Titles will correspond with texts.
  • I will give references whenever I can.
  • The references might be not in English.
  • Texts will require thinking.
  • It is your duty to learn necessary vocabulary and background knowledge.
  • Mathematical methods as well. I am not going to explain what the logarithmic axis or the exponencial function mean.

I think, that is all.

Daily coronavirus graphs

Yours Sincerely

Andrzej Mazurkiewicz.

P. S.

I am not an English native speaker. If you find an error, please let me know.

andrzej (at) mazurkiewicz (droplet) org